Januar 2023 rief der Bundestag einstimmig die Bundesregierung auf,
„Êzîdinnen und Êzîden weiterhin unter Berücksichtigung ihrer nach wie
vor andauernden Verfolgung und Diskriminierung im Rahmen des
Asylverfahrens Schutz zu gewähren“. Seitdem fiel die Schutzquote von
Êzîd:innen von 46,5 % auf 35,9 %. Statt dass wie der Bundestag forderte
alle Êzîd:innen Schutz erhalten, wird Êzîd:innen der Schutz immer
häufiger verweigert. Das BAMF und die für dieses Amt zuständige
Innenministerin Faeser weigert sich, einen Beschluss des Bundestages
umzusetzen. Eine Missachtung des Parlaments und ein Schlag ins Gesicht
der Betroffenen des Völkermordes.
In January 2023, the Bundestag unanimously called on the federal government to „continue to grant protection to Ezidis in the asylum procedure, taking into account their persistent persecution and discrimination“. Since then, the protection rate for Ezidis has dropped from 46.5% to 35.9%. Instead of all Ezidis receiving protection, as the Bundestag demanded, Ezidis are increasingly being denied protection. The BAMF and the Interior Minister Faeser, who is responsible for this department, are refusing to implement a decision by the Bundestag. This is a disrespect for parliament and a slap in the face for those affected by the genocide.
In January 2023, the Bundestag unanimously called on the federal government to „continue to grant protection to Ezidis in the asylum procedure, taking into account their persistent persecution and discrimination“. Since then, the protection rate for Ezidis has dropped from 46.5% to 35.9%. Instead of all Ezidis receiving protection, as the Bundestag demanded, Ezidis are increasingly being denied protection. The BAMF and the Interior Minister Faeser, who is responsible for this department, are refusing to implement a decision by the Bundestag. This is a disrespect for parliament and a slap in the face for those affected by the genocide.
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